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Vital mushrooms, like plant extracts and micronutrients, are part of the complementary repertoire for improved well-being. The traditional Chinese vital mushrooms are said to have a multitude of positive health properties, which is why they are used in so many different ways.
The vital mushroom complex of CBD Vital contains pure concentrated mushroom extracts and is therefore particularly effective.
Reishi is also known as the shiny lacquer mushroom and is one of the oldest tools of traditional Asian medicine. Reishi is used as a fountain of youth and anti-ageing remedy.
The ingredients (triterpenes (ganoderic acid), hetroglucans) have antioxidant properties and are significant for cell health. It is used in a variety of ways against the reduction in performance in old age.
https://www.haar-shop.ch/en/cbd-vital-reishi-cordiceps-60-stk.html?___store=en31861Reishi & Cordiceps - 60 Capsuleshttps://cdn.haarshop.ch/catalog/product/thumbnail/a8e65f0a49ec754d44feb1da595b6d309535ff866ef132074b2d7cd2/small_image/0/448x448/001/99/1/b/1b83034262883b8030e6de785449df058e9ab57d_9120071862589_bi_cbdvital_mikrons_reishiundcordyceps.jpg27.1527.15CHFInStock/Brands/Brands/CBD Vital/Brands/CBD Vital/Food supplement/Care/Care/Body care/Care/Body care/Food supplement/Brands/CBD Vital/Capsules/Topical/Topical/Health & Vitality/Food supplement/Topical/Health & Vitality292148215118999020452149133132442221129214818999013312221 <p><strong>Vital mushrooms</strong>, like plant extracts and micronutrients, are part of the complementary repertoire for <strong>improved well-being</strong>. The traditional Chinese vital mushrooms are said to have a multitude of <strong>positive health properties</strong>, which is why they are used in so many different ways.</p><p>The vital mushroom complex of <strong>CBD Vital</strong> contains pure <strong>concentrated mushroom extracts</strong> and is therefore particularly effective.</p><p><strong>Reishi</strong> is also known as the shiny lacquer mushroom and is one of the oldest tools of traditional Asian medicine. Reishi is used as a fountain of youth and <strong>anti-ageing remedy</strong>.</p><p>The ingredients (triterpenes (ganoderic acid), hetroglucans) have <strong>antioxidant properties</strong> and are significant for <strong>cell health</strong>. It is used in a variety of ways against the reduction in performance in old age.</p>CBD VITALCHF14https://cdn.haarshop.ch/catalog/product/f/b/fbfc1d71abaf4b43d39d3ec42628ae60e9bfb35e_9120071862589_ai_cbdvital_mikrons_reishiundcordyceps.jpgadd-to-cartsku:60030652not_in_nosto:Nodd_deal:dd_items:0dd_from:dd_initialAmount:dd_to:dd_price:dd_displayType:badge_counterhttps://cdn.haarshop.ch/catalog/product/thumbnail/d9f409bad7e57f71a8348a0cd35b486cd4c5081435b7f5f6bec94574/small_image/0/224x224/001/99/1/b/1b83034262883b8030e6de785449df058e9ab57d_9120071862589_bi_cbdvital_mikrons_reishiundcordyceps.jpgNo60030652Reishi & Cordiceps - 60 CapsulesCBD VITAL27.1500009120071862589Reishi extract, Cordyceps sinensis extract, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (capsule shell) NoNoAnti-Agefructose free, gluten free, lactose free, vegan02021-01-01 00:00:002021-01-03 00:00:00NoNo
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