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  • Survival Guide for dyed blonde

Survival Guide for dyed blonde

01. Use care products specifically for blonde hair.

Apply the Blond Absolu care routine specifically for your blonde hair.

02. Rinse the hair with cold water

Cold water closes the hair fiber, preserves color and adds shine.

03. Use a shampoo and mask with UV pigments

The UV pigments in Bain Ultra-Violet and Masque Ultra-Violet effectively prevent unwanted yellow tones that occur in blond hair.

04. Provide moisturizing care

Bleached hair is very sensitive and prone to dryness. Use rich, moisturizing products like Cicaflash.

05. Wash your hair less often

Washing your hair less often is better for blond hair. Sebum will be absorbed more quickly and re-greasing will be reduced.

06. Use leave-in care

A leave-in conditioner like Cicaplasme seals blond hair, protects it from heat and prevents hair breakage.


07. Have your tips cut regularly

Bleached hair dries out faster. Therefore, cut your hair regularly to prevent split ends.

08. Protect your hair from the sun

Bleached hair is very sensitive to sunlight, which can cause dryness and color changes. Wear a hat or a scarf when sunbathing and use Blond Absolu regularly to prevent the risks.

09. Protect your hair, even in the pool

Chlorine can dry out blond hair and give it a green tint. Before you go swimming, wet your hair and apply conditioner. This will prevent the chlorine from penetrating your hair.

10. Reduce heat styling

Heat is a danger to sensitive blond hair. Reduce or eliminate the use of curling irons, straighteners and blow dryers. Use cicaplasme with heat protection up to 230° before heat styling.

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